Thursday, November 12, 2009

So these first pictures were taken at the Summit County Fair, where I shared a booth with some friends of mine, and I sold slings. I only sold one, but Heather's boyfriend Will wore the green one around with a baby doll in it, to try to drum up interest in my product! People thought it was a real baby! The next day Jayson discovered a new use for slings, as he bicycled my dressform back to the store after I had used it at the fair. I accidentally uploaded these pictures twice and I can't remove them. Oh well, they're funny so it's worth a second look. Slightly out of order are the next pictures, taken at Dad's Michigan house, we were playing in the lake, but it was pretty chilly and cloudy. Then there's Suzi swimming with her friend Sadie, and a picture of Suzi, Ada, and Stella all piled into her big green chair. The last pictures were taken at Hale Farm and Villiage at the fall harvest day, where we rode a horse-drawn wagon and ate fresh apple butter. Beautiful day! Sorry this post is so short, I have to go make dinner.