Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blog plus some old photos that I don't know if anyone ever saw...

Hilton Head in March

Sheep farm

Carrying her baby in her sling

winter was fun, we got a blow-up sled and sledded down the front lawn, which slopes

It was a nice mothers day this year, although hectic! I wanted to rearrange the living room for my mothers day present, so that's what we did. It looks better. You no longer walk in the door and see a huge stack of stuff all the way to the ceiling (our bookshelf was so full of books they were double-stacked). We had to get rid of a lot of stuff and put some books in the basement.

Suzi's cut has healed. For those who don't know, she fell about a month ago and whacked her forehead against the edge of a chair, cutting it open pretty deep. She recieved 8 stitches (although I just heard about a little boy with a dog bite who got 200 stitches and I no longer feel that 8 is a lot.) and you can barely tell there's a scar. It's a bit pink but I think when she's an adult it'll just be a tiny unnoticeable blip. The fall happened at The Chapel, so fortunately their insurance is covering the medical bills (its amazing how much it costs to close a cut). And there was a follow-up visit with a neurologist, where Suzi danced, made friends, and "read" aloud from a book about the ocean, so it was pretty obvious there was no serious damage. Whew!

Jayson and I had our debut as The Shivering Timbers last week, at a friend's birthday party. We've only recorded one song but you can hear it on myspace. The song we have posted is a nursery rhyme called See-Saw Sacradown, and has two other friends joining us on vocals. For anyone who doesn't know, The Shivering Timbers is mine and Jayson's band (it's just the two of us for now, though we hope Suzi will soon be able to join us and perhaps we'll get a drummer). We do a mixture of nursery rhymes to which one of us writes some music on either guitar or banjo, and also some original songs that we write about Suzi or for Suzi.

She's learned to say the word "no" and sometimes walks around shaking her head saying it. Her hair is getting a bit longer and curls tightly in the back when it dries after a bath. Her feet are size 5 , her clothes 18-24 months usually, sometimes bigger because of her rotund belly and cloth diapers, pants and shorts being no less than 2T or 3T. She seems to be obsessed with balls and spends time every day "practicing" her ball skills in the kitchen, throwing and rebounding off the fridge and cabinets. She's learning to catch a little and has an impressive throwing arm. Also tractors at hardware stores seem to really excite her. So yesterday at Target I showed her the little ballet unitards and tutus, which she actually seemed to like, so hopefully she won't be a total tomboy!
We are making plans to attend this year's Rolan Family Reunion in October, Jayson, Suzi and I will all be there. I am looking forward to seeing my extended family again, it has been almost ten years since I went to one. If only Jason could come home for it.
I'll post more later.